
Sunday, January 9, 2011

This post is purely just eye candy.  I don't have any of these things.  But I know that these are some current collections from MAC.  It's very hard to keep up with MAC.  They have a new collection like every other day! (So it seems anyway).  The descriptions are from the MAC Site.  For more info, click here.


We fetishize the exotic peacock as a symbol of extreme beauty, raging against everything simplistic. New Kissable Lipcolour combines full flash with creamy comfort. Mega Metal Shadow gleams like chrome - yet is creamy, crease-resistant, with vitamin-fortified flexibility. Dramatic doesn't begin to begin to describe the girl who knows she's Peacocky.


Madly chic women give a signature look major oomph & more modern momentum with a presto-change-o colour collection that's always flawlessly fabulous. Play variations on a theme & be ready to double-dramatize how glamorous it is to be you!


The ultimate luxury when only the finest will do for the New Year: a cuvée collection that's cause for celebration...a Champagne smash, colour and skincare shimmering with all the bubbly optimism & golden glow of the best that's yet to be.


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